Putting public dollars to work.
REDF is a trusted broker in the field — developing strategic partnerships across sectors and influencing policy to promote public investment in employment social enterprise. In this current strategic period, REDF has helped to unlock over $200M in public sector dollars for the field.
REDF is a trusted broker in the field — developing strategic partnerships across sectors and influencing policy to promote public investment in employment social enterprise. Of recent note, REDF has helped to facilitate:
in funding from Caltrans to Butte County’s Back 2 Work program to provide jobs (and fuel apprenticeships) through contracting with ESEs.
in grants/technical assistance to ESEs from the state’s small business arm via CA:RISE.
in available funding for ESEs through California’s Employment Development Department.
$4.9m (22%)
of the available AB628 Breaking Barriers to Employment Initiative directed to ESEs.
through the Santa Clara County Office of Diversion and Reentry to build the local ecosystem of ESEs.

We drive this traction through the following key areas:
Economic & Business Development
Unlocking public sector capital to spur economic growth and job creation
Launched in 2023, the California Regional Initiative for Social Enterprise (CA RISE) marks the nation’s first statewide investment in employment social enterprises. CA RISE provides capital and capacity building to ESEs (and deepens their connection with the local ecosystem) to fuel economic mobility of their employees.

More than 30,000 people return home from incarceration each year in Santa Clara County. REDF has partnered with the Office of Diversion and Reentry Services to launch the Santa Clara County Regional Initiative for Social Enterprise (SCC:RISE), widening access to jobs through the startup and growth of new enterprises.
Social Enterprise IncubatorÂ
The Economic Mobility Initiative’s Social Enterprise Training Program is a partnership between Los Angeles County Department of Economic Opportunity, REDF, and the Center for Nonprofit Management. REDF leads the Incubator, which equips nonprofit leaders with the tools and support needed to start impact-driven, revenue-generating businesses.
Workforce Development
Creating opportunities within the workforce development ecosystem to build pathways to economic mobility
The Los Angeles Regional Initiative for Social Enterprise (LA:RISE) unites the City and County of Los Angeles workforce agencies with employment social enterprises to help people striving for a better future get the jobs, training, and support they need to build it. REDF serves as lead program manager.

Funded by California Employment Development Department and the Labor and Workforce Development Agency, REDF (alongside Third Sector Capital Partners and the California Workforce Association) leverages Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act dollars to provide ESEs capacity building to increase employee success.
Social Services
Promoting self-sufficiency amongst Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipients through job training and career pathways
SNAP Employment & Training
‘SNAP Employment & Training providers’ ensure SNAP recipients get access to training, jobs, and support. Providers receive reimbursement for their costs enabling them to serve more people. REDF — in partnership with Seattle Jobs Initiative and Center for Employment Opportunities — provides technical assistance for ESEs interested in this opportunity.

Skill Up Los Angeles
Like SNAP, Skill Up partners (funded by CalFresh Employment & Training) ensure CalFresh recipients get access to training, jobs, and support — and partners receive reimbursement for their costs, enabling them to serve more people. REDF provides technical assistance to Skill Up partners.
Skill Up Los Angeles has been honored with the 2023 Achievement Award by the National Association of Counties.
Scaling worker-centered sector programs that prepare the workforce for transportation and infrastructure opportunities

Back 2 Work
A partnership with Butte County Office of Education (BCOE) and Caltrans, Back 2 Work contracts with employment social enterprises to connect people with jobs and training, while helping to beautify California’s highways. REDF helped support the launch of this Caltrans partnership, and is a current partner of BCOE.Â
For this program, REDF was honored with the 2024 Community Partners Award by the Butte County Office of Education.
ESEs are innovative, evidence-based approaches that train employees while they’re earning a paycheck, radically transforming the lives of people who are all too often seen as unemployable.
By combining jobs, training, and services, ESEs are helping to ensure that all Angelenos have access to economic opportunity, housing, and safe communities.
Through innovative and collaborative partnerships, we can support our most vulnerable residents and provide hope for a better future. That is why I’m proud to continue my support for LA:RISE.

Josh BeckerCA State Senator

Mayor Karen BassCity of Los Angeles

Supervisor Hilda L. SolisLA County Board of Supervisors, First District