A place for entrepreneurs to know we’re in this together.
After completing a REDF program, employment social enterprise leaders are welcomed into our REDF Community. We gather ESE leaders from around the country to continue their education, share wisdom with each other, and foster enduring relationships.
Since we invite vulnerability on the part of our entrepreneurs, we model it too by creating safe spaces for community not just to be named, but to be felt. Our goal is to create the conditions for real connection and then step out of the way for co-learning to begin.

This 200+ member strong program provides the environment and the resources to help our partner ESEs be co-conspirators for change. We do this through:
Community Convenings
The sector’s only national convening dedicated exclusively to employment social enterprise, plus micro convenings in regions across the country.
Our events combine the joy of friendsgiving, the power of learning with and from peers, and the vibe of an unconference to create space for ingenuity, too. We center ESE leaders and their relationships, and offer exposure to emerging practices, policies, and each other to help entrepreneurs set and live into their next learning edge.
Affinity Groups
Creating space for leaders to connect and form relationships, invest in their wellbeing, gain valuable networks, and learn best practices.
Groups currently include those organized by identity (leaders impacted by the justice system, leaders of color, white leaders for racial equity), by focus population (refugee-serving ESEs), by industry (staffing ESEs), and by service (trauma-informed management).
Advisory Services
Dedicated relationship management to go “spoke to spoke” — meaningfully connecting ESEs with each other as peer coaches.
ESEs connect in a variety of ways, through site visits we support and best practice institutes some curate — both leveling up their practice and often building organic collaborations along the way. We also offer advisory services to help ESEs navigate the array of REDF resources at their disposal, and provide specialized services, like executive coaching, for select leaders each year.
Community Convenings
The sector’s only national convening dedicated exclusively to employment social enterprise, plus micro convenings in regions across the country.
Our events combine the joy of friendsgiving, the power of learning with and from peers, and the vibe of an unconference to create space for ingenuity, too. We center ESE leaders and their relationships, and offer exposure to emerging practices, policies, and each other to help entrepreneurs set and live into their next learning edge.
Affinity Groups
Creating space for leaders to connect and form relationships, invest in their wellbeing, gain valuable networks, and learn best practices from peers.
Groups currently include those organized by identity (leaders impacted by the justice system, leaders of color, white leaders for racial equity), by focus population (refugee-serving ESEs), by industry (staffing ESEs), and by service (trauma-informed management).
Advisory Services
Dedicated relationship management to go “spoke to spoke” — meaningfully connecting ESEs with each other as peer coaches.
ESEs connect in a variety of ways, through site visits we support and best practice institutes some curate — both leveling up their practice and often building organic collaborations along the way. We also offer advisory services to help ESEs navigate the array of REDF resources at their disposal, and provide specialized services, like executive coaching, for select leaders each year.
Joining the REDF Community has been transformative, providing a permanent and nurturing environment where vulnerability is not only accepted but encouraged.
REDF Community has given me direct access to amazing leaders across the nation who share the same struggles, joys and passion that drive me to do this work.
It's been tremendously valuable to have a national network of peers to learn from, brainstorm with, and share resources.

LaSaunda TateHomeward Bound of Marin

Anchi MeiExecutive Director, MAKE Projects

David SallConservation Corps of Long Beach