Helping our capital investments go further, faster.

REDF is not a traditional venture philanthropy. Yes, we do grants, but we also do impact lending and unlock public sector capital. And these investments never stand alone. We’ve learned that adding tailored capacity building support helps that capital punch at a higher weight. It’s a combination that works and an approach that sets us apart from other venture philanthropies.

In the works for nearly three decades, our take on capacity building helps enterprises advance along this growth curve:

Focus Areas for Driving Sustainable Growth

We believe there are five core drivers of sustainable growth, and we collaborate with enterprises to identify opportunities and challenges within each before developing a custom resourcing plan.

Business Planning

We focus on how ESEs generate earned revenue, manage costs, manage cash, and position their businesses for growth. Topics include:
  • Product-market fit
  • Customer acquisition and retention
  • Revenue and cost management
  • Business and growth strategy

Program Design

We focus on how ESEs generate the scale and quality of worker outcomes they seek. Topics include:
  • Logic model design and refresh
  • Program model design and implementation
  • Best practices in recruitment, job readiness, retention, and supports

Raising Capital and Funds

We focus on how ESEs raise outside capital investment to support their work. Topics include:
  • Goal setting and strategies
  • Fundraising resources
  • Metrics management
  • Proposal writing and pitch development 


We focus on how ESEs prepare for scale through the development of needed systems and infrastructure. Topics include:
  • Financial management
  • Facilities and equipment
  • Data systems and analysis
  • Process documentation


We focus on how ESEs lead, manage, and support their talent. Topics include:
  • Leadership team
  • Board of directors
  • Talent strategy
  • Organizational culture

Building Our Bench

In partnership with consultant partners and graduate students, we help provide just-in-time resources to our ESEs.


Farber Fellows

Midway through their programs at some of the country’s top business and policy schools, Farber Fellows apply their cutting-edge skills on mission-critical projects that will benefit the ESEs, and the people they serve, for years to come.

About Farber Fellows


Consultant Request for Information

With a portfolio growing in both size and need, we partner strategically with other subject matter experts to expand our bench. Read our Consultant Request for Information to learn more.

Request for Information

Strategic Partners