Photo Gallery: California Legislators Meet with CA RISE Grantees

Explore highlights from events all over California, where local legislators connected face-to-face with the ESEs in their districts.

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California is blazing a trail for economic inclusion!

This month, the California Regional Initiative for Social Enterprise (CA RISE) distributed its second round of funding to 61 ESEs across 16 counties.

As a part of that distribution, several CA RISE grantee organizations met with California state legislators representing their regions. These California congresspeople presented checks to each attending organization, and spent time learning more about the invaluable work these enterprises do in their communities.

Check out our photo gallery of some highlights from these phenomenal events!

A special thank you to California Governor Gavin Newsom for approving this visionary investment in ESEs, the California Office of the Small Business Advocate (CalOSBA) for their partnership on this initiative, and to Lendistry for serving as CA RISE’s fiscal agent.

Below, check out the complete list of visits hosted by employment social enterprises across California, and the legislators who met with these ESEs: