Farming Hope

Farming Hope is a nonprofit social enterprise that manages a garden-to-table culinary job training program for formerly incarcerated and homeless individuals in San Francisco.

Farming Hope operates Manny’s, a social enterprise in San Francisco’s Mission District that includes a restaurant, café, catering operations, event space, and political bookshop. The employment social enterprise also contracts with community organizations to provide meals to food insecure and homeless residents at Refettorio San Francisco and operates Divisidero Garden, a training garden in San Francisco’s Western Addition neighborhood where Farming Hope grows produce that is sold at Manny’s and Refettorio.

Proceeds from a RIIF bridge loan will be used to purchase a used van and kitchen equipment that will enable the organization to expand its food recovery and meal delivery capacity, and hire five additional program participants.



  • 2018: Accelerator Fellow
  • 2019-2020: Project Grant Recipient*
  • 2020: COVID-19 Relief Grant Recipient*
  • 2022: RIIF Loan Recipient
  • 2022-2024: Growth Portfolio Member
  • 2024: CA RISE Partner

*Past REDF program offering


Kevin Madrigal
