In Good Company: Redefining Yourself with Jay Pershing, Weld Works

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Jay Pershing is a leader, using his own past to help others rewrite their future. As Program Director at employment social enterprise Weld Works, he knows first-hand the transformational power of a good job and a supportive community. 

Jay has walked in the shoes of those he hires and will go out of his way, every day, for those working to build a better life themselves.

At Weld Works, individuals returning home from incarceration and recovering from addiction have an opportunity to redefine themselves. Through paid transitional employment in construction, on-the-job training, supportive housing, and other wraparound support, nearly 100 individuals each year start a new chapter at Weld. 

In addition to this holistic approach to successful recovery and reentry, what makes Weld a transformational place is its commitment to mutual respect and its recognition of the barriers that each employee is overcoming. 

“What Weld Seattle and Weld Works has done is form an organization of people that we’re serving,” says Jay. “Someone on our team has gone through something similar as anyone who’s walked through our doors, whether it’s homelessness, addiction or incarceration. We’re able to find someone on our team who’s able to connect with that person.”

Starting with a one-year project grant in 2019, we’ve supported Jay’s success as a leader and Weld’s success as a fair-chance employer with grant and loan capital, tailored capacity building, and a national community of peers.  

We’re proud to walk alongside Jay in his journey as a social entrepreneur. Join us at