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An innovative public sector partnership

Los Angeles draws people from all over the world for its vibrancy and its sun. But like many cities across our country, it faces significant challenges too — including more than 75,000 people living on the streets.

The Los Angeles Regional Initiative for Social Enterprise (LA:RISE) unites the City and County of Los Angeles workforce agencies with employment social enterprises to help people striving for a better future get the jobs, training, and support they need to build it. LA:RISE connects employment social enterprises to the workforce system, supportive services, and employers, allowing all partners to bring their expertise and resources to the table. REDF serves as the lead program manager and provides technical assistance to individual partners.


Transitional Employment

Allows participants to build their skills and confidence in a supportive environment while they are earning a paycheck.


Support Services

Help with childcare, housing, transportation, financial literacy, or mental health counseling to ensure participants can remove all barriers to employment.


Job Readiness

Includes interview prep, job search, resume building, computer proficiency, and communication skills — to foster positive job placement outcomes.


Competitive Employment

Serves as the next step for participants on their pathway to economic mobility.


Retention Services

Bolster long-term success, ensuring each participant gets the support they need once placed into competitive employment.


Transitional Employment

Allows participants to build their skills and confidence in a supportive environment while they are earning a paycheck.


Support Services

Unique combination of a paying job and support services. Services might include help with childcare, housing, transportation, financial literacy, or mental health counseling.


Job Readiness

We assess each participant’s job readiness and provide customized support to foster positive job placement outcomes. This support includes interview prep, job search, resume building, computer proficiency and communication skills.


Competitive Employment

Participants transition into unsubsidized competitive employment. 



To bolster long-term success, support continues after a participant is placed into competitive employment.

The Impact 


participants in transitional/subsidized jobs, and who received support services


participants in permanent jobs


years of impact


partners across Los Angeles

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