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A first-of-its-kind, $25M investment in employment social enterprises.

In partnership with the California Office of the Small Business Advocate (with REDF serving as program lead), the California Regional Initiative for Social Enterprise (CA RISE) delivers capital and customized technical assistance to businesses across the state that employ, train, and support talented Californians overcoming barriers to employment.

Together, these capital and capacity investments will grow the sector — and accelerate economic inclusion and mobility across California.

Access to capital

ESEs selected for CA RISE through a competitive grant process receive a one-time grant of between $100,000 – $500,000 to support investments related to the sustainable growth of their business, increased economic mobility among their participant employees, or, in some cases, both. (Grant award amounts are determined by the ESE’s operating budget.)

Grantees also obtain assistance in enrolling in additional government programs (e.g. SNAP Employment and Training) to explore other sources of potential funds.

Tailored capacity building

Grantees will have access to:

  • cohort-based training on two learning tracks: sustainable growth and economic mobility
  • cohort-based and one-to-one customized technical assistance
  • a suite of tools and learning modules on REDFworkshop, a virtual capacity building toolbox to help you build, grow, and sustain high-impact employment social enterprises

Advisory services

Enterprises are assigned a relationship manager — aka primary contact and trusted partner. The relationship manager’s goal is to be your glue and guiding light over the course of this grant. They will help you brainstorm how to strengthen your business and employment models and help you navigate REDF resources.

Deepened connections

In line with our commitment to advance the employment social enterprise sector at large, REDF connects grantees with public partners, training providers, private sector employers, and each other to build a more integrated system that supports Californians in search of a new beginning.

CA RISE Partners

REDF delivers customized technical assistance to businesses across the state that employ, train, and support talented Californians breaking through barriers to employment.

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Are you a consultant?

CA RISE requires the support of external consultants to help supercharge the California ecosystem of ESEs.