REDF Impact Investing Fund April 2022 Newsletter

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RIIF Now a Certified CDFI:

RIIF is now a certified CDFI! Certification is a formal acknowledgement from the U.S. Treasury’s CDFI Fund that RIIF prioritizes financing to underserved communities. RIIF’s CDFI certification will unlock additional flexible capital to help catalyze growth in RIIF portfolio companies and create more jobs for overlooked talent nationwide. Many large financial institutions have funds specifically set aside for CDFIs, making certification a significant step in expanding RIIF’s ability to mobilize funds to meet the needs of the sector. Learn more!


Meet Our Newest Borrowers:

Sweet Generation
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Investment: $425k working capital loan
Industry: Food Services
Impact: Sweet Generation expects to place 15 youth apprentices into full-time jobs at Sweet Generation and elsewhere. Read more!


CRCD Enterprises
Location: Los Angeles
Investment: $400k working capital loan
Industry: Construction & Maintenance
Impact: During the loan, CRCD expects to hire more than 900 employees including young people from underserved communities and formerly incarcerated individuals. Read more!

RIIF Named Emerging Impact Manager

REDF Impact Investing Fund has been selected to the ImpactAssets 50 2022 as an Emerging Impact Manager! As the impact investing field expands, we’re poised to share our unique approach among a diverse group of firms demonstrating the potential to create positive impact. Learn more!




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