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REDF – an investment that works | Video Overview

REDF – an investment that works | Video Overview

Much to my mother’s chagrin, I fancy myself to be a bit of a “cafeteria Catholic” – meaning as I walk down the long cafeteria line of my given religion, I put on my tray the stuff I can believe in and leave the rest on the line. As a result, church has for me …

REDF – an investment that works | Video Overview

REDF and our partners are helping build an economy that works. For everyone. We’re on a mission to make sure our country no longer misses out on the enormous talent and potential of over 10 million Americans who remain stuck — sidelined from access and opportunity — due to the trauma of homelessness, incarceration, and …

REDF – an investment that works | Video Overview

Jay Pershing is a leader, using his own past to help others rewrite their future. As Program Director at employment social enterprise Weld Works, he knows first-hand the transformational power of a good job and a supportive community.  Jay has walked in the shoes of those he hires and will go out of his way, …

REDF – an investment that works | Video Overview

“You can be successful and not leave your hometown.” Social entrepreneur Jerelyn Rodriguez credits her resiliency and passion to her community in the Bronx — and has made it her business to give back to the place that shaped her.  When Jerelyn entered the REDF Accelerator in 2019, her technology employment social enterprise, The Knowledge …