The final appropriations package included REDF priorities:

  • Reentry Employment Opportunities (REO) — The agreement provides $102M for the REO program at the Department of Labor. Of this amount, $25M is set aside for competitive grants to national and regional intermediaries for activities that prepare for employment young adults with criminal legal histories, young adults who have been justice system-involved, or young adults who have dropped out of school or other educational programs, with a priority for projects serving high-crime, high-poverty areas. FY21 level was $100M.
  • Community-Based Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative (CVIPl) — The agreement provides $50M for a grant program that supports communities in developing comprehensive, evidence-based violence intervention and prevention programs, including efforts to address gang and gun violence, based on partnerships between community residents, law enforcement, local government agencies, and other community stakeholders. A new program – no funding in FY21.
  • DOL ETA – $9.8B for the Employment and Training Administration, an increase of $412M above the FY21 enacted level. Within this amount, the bill includes $2.9B for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act State Grants, an increase of $34M above the FY21 enacted level.