Statement on Yesterday’s Attack on the U.S. Capitol

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A statement from REDF’s President & CEO Carla Javits:

We stand in solidarity with people across the country and the world in unequivocally condemning the insurrection and attack on the US Capitol that took place yesterday. That some people believed falsehoods about the fairness of the election has roots in years of fact-free rhetoric by far too many of our leaders, and attacks on our free press. The outrage of a noose hanging across from our Capitol building, the Confederate flags brought into the Capitol, and other racist and anti-Semitic symbols on display made tragically clear the violent and virulent racism and bigotry at the heart of this attack. We are better than this.

REDF’s work focuses on the full inclusion in our economy, society, and ultimately our democracy of people who have been greatly harmed by racism and systems that have perpetuated inequity. We are heartened that, in the midst of extremism and the pandemic, the US has held free and fair elections. The historic election of the first Black Senator and Jewish Senator from a previously slave-owning State is a celebratory event for US democracy, whatever your political views. Congress has validated the election, and more elected officials are stepping up to their responsibilities to condemn the violence. What the American people and our democracy need most is progress on COVID, systemic racism, economic insecurity and inequity, and rates of incarceration and homelessness that are simply intolerable.

We join with those in our communities who work tirelessly every day to take action and accelerate change. That is the way forward for a thriving democracy. Let’s get to work!