REDF’s 2023 Impact Report: Now Live!

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Fresh for your eyes: REDF’s brand-new impact report is LIVE! 

We’re now three years in to our five-year strategic period — and so far, we’ve already met or exceeded many of the ambitious goals we set out to achieve by the end of 2025. And at the core of those achievements are the bold entrepreneurs we back, visionary policymakers who are working to transform their communities, and talented individuals seizing opportunities to create futures where they can flourish.

Explore our 2021-2023 impact report now, to see how paid, on-the-job training and support is working to create far-reaching ripples. You’ll also uncover what we’ve learned from leaning into the lived expertise of the entrepreneurs we partner with — and you’ll read about how our movement is gaining momentum.

View the 2021-2023 Impact Report now!

And of course, please read through the report with our thanks: our impact would not be possible without your investment. Thank you for backing the employment social enterprise movement.

Together, we can build a thriving and inclusive economy where all people have the jobs and the support they need to realize their full potential.