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REDF – an investment that works | Video Overview

REDF – an investment that works | Video Overview

Co-written by President & CEO Maria Kim and Sam Babineau, Senior Associate, Government Partnerships & Policy  Sexual & Gender Minority Youth Resource Center at New Avenues for Youth Sometimes when we think of Pride Month, our minds flood with images of rainbows and boas and the strut and the swagger of our local Pride Parade.   …

REDF – an investment that works | Video Overview

Over the last three years, I’ve had the privilege of walking into each new year inspired and invigorated by a brand new cohort of enterprises joining our Growth Portfolio (GP). We recently announced the 13 businesses that will be part of our 2023 Growth Portfolio (meet them here!) and I’m eager to roll up my …

REDF – an investment that works | Video Overview

Capital investment is a core component of our work to build a more inclusive economy powered by the proven power of employment social enterprises. Today, we’re thrilled to announce $3.9 million in grants to 13 high-impact employment social enterprises through our Growth Portfolio program. Of the businesses selected for funding, 69% are led by people …

REDF – an investment that works | Video Overview

This post was originally published by the American Evaluation Association (AEA). It shares reflections and lessons learned from a 2021 evaluation of employment social enterprise’s impact on employment and life stability conducted by RTI International. Explore the findings from that research here. Hello, we are Dina Wilderson (Director of Learning & Evidence at REDF), Pablo Gaxiola (Director of Reintegration …

REDF – an investment that works | Video Overview

Whether it’s your closest family members, a dear friend, or a great colleague — the Social Enterprise Gift Guide has handcrafted products that are perfect for everyone on your shopping list. The REDF team is already shopping the guide for their own holiday purchases. Take a look at some of their go-to gifts for the …

REDF – an investment that works | Video Overview

REDF and our partners are helping build an economy that works. For everyone. We’re on a mission to make sure our country no longer misses out on the enormous talent and potential of over 10 million Americans who remain stuck — sidelined from access and opportunity — due to the trauma of homelessness, incarceration, and …