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Recognizing ESEs as Economic Engines: Our Policy Priorities for 2022

Recognizing ESEs as Economic Engines: Our Policy Priorities for 2022

As a mom to an almost four-year-old, I’m constantly challenged to talk in the simplest way. So, when I explain to him what I do for work, I tell him that I am changing the world. As grandiose and boastful as this statement might be, I strongly believe that policy is one vehicle to create …

Recognizing ESEs as Economic Engines: Our Policy Priorities for 2022

As California Governor Gavin Newsom advances his California Comeback Plan and President Joe Biden pushes his Build Back Better agenda, we are seeing policy movement towards building an inclusive workforce. Government says it’s ready for innovative and big ideas. ESEs are a part of the solution to this economic crisis — and we are ready …

Recognizing ESEs as Economic Engines: Our Policy Priorities for 2022

With vaccines shining a light at the end of the tunnel, economic recovery is top of mind. The future of work is a pressing concern, whether you’ve been relatively secure working from home, supporting us all as an essential worker, or unemployed and struggling to stay housed and feed the family. To chart a path …