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From Barriers to Building Blocks: My Farber Summer – Marissa Uchimura, University of Michigan Ross School of Business & Ford School of Public Policy

From Barriers to Building Blocks: My Farber Summer – Marissa Uchimura, University of Michigan Ross School of Business & Ford School of Public Policy

Presents that Propel Change This holiday season, give meaningful gifts that move the needle on the issues that move you. Featuring products from mission-driven businesses around the country, each item in the REDF Social Enterprise Gift Guide is handcrafted by an individual striving to reenter the workforce after experiences like homelessness or incarceration. Shop now …

From Barriers to Building Blocks: My Farber Summer – Marissa Uchimura, University of Michigan Ross School of Business & Ford School of Public Policy

This summer I worked at Tech Dump, an electronics recycler and refurbishing employment social enterprise based in Minnesota’s Twin Cities. Some afternoons, I’d sneak back to the warehouse for a quick break, usually asking to accompany an employee or two as they wandered through the maze of cardboard containers. Each container was filled with a …

From Barriers to Building Blocks: My Farber Summer – Marissa Uchimura, University of Michigan Ross School of Business & Ford School of Public Policy

As California Governor Gavin Newsom advances his California Comeback Plan and President Joe Biden pushes his Build Back Better agenda, we are seeing policy movement towards building an inclusive workforce. Government says it’s ready for innovative and big ideas. ESEs are a part of the solution to this economic crisis — and we are ready …

From Barriers to Building Blocks: My Farber Summer – Marissa Uchimura, University of Michigan Ross School of Business & Ford School of Public Policy

RIIF Closes Two New Loans REDF Impact Investing Fund has recently invested in two new mission-driven businesses! With 13 loans closed to-date and over $2.4M invested, RIIF is expanding its footprint and accelerating the growth of social enterprises.  With its sights set on expanding in the Northeast, a $200K working capital loan to Working Fields, …

From Barriers to Building Blocks: My Farber Summer – Marissa Uchimura, University of Michigan Ross School of Business & Ford School of Public Policy

Save the Date! Applications for the REDF Accelerator will open on Monday, September 13. Ready to take your employment social enterprise to the next level? Looking to build a community of peers? The five-month, highly interactive REDF Accelerator could be the right program for you.   22 Enterprises Selected to Prepare to Become SNAP Employment …