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Honoring Dr. King’s Legacy by Confronting “White Backlash”

Honoring Dr. King’s Legacy by Confronting “White Backlash”

After passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. noted that “white backlash” was a new name for a very old phenomenon. 50 years later, we are still seeing its consequences. White backlash to the growing impact of the multi-cultural, national movement for racial justice that hit the streets in …

Honoring Dr. King’s Legacy by Confronting “White Backlash”

A statement from REDF’s President & CEO Carla Javits: We stand in solidarity with people across the country and the world in unequivocally condemning the insurrection and attack on the US Capitol that took place yesterday. That some people believed falsehoods about the fairness of the election has roots in years of fact-free rhetoric by …