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May #2 Newsletter: 2019 Impact Report + Additional COVID-19 Funding

May #2 Newsletter: 2019 Impact Report + Additional COVID-19 Funding

2019 Impact Report While we remain focused on supporting our social enterprises and their employees during COVID-19, we want to celebrate what this community has achieved in the past year. In 2019, REDF worked with 134 social enterprises in 30 states and the District of Columbia that employed and provided training for over 10,000 people. This combination …

May #2 Newsletter: 2019 Impact Report + Additional COVID-19 Funding

REDF is committed to responding to the needs of and advocating for the employment social enterprise sector. When the COVID-19 crisis began, we surveyed our partners and had candid conversations to determine how to best support them and ensure continuing operations through this challenging time. In response, we have deployed $850,000 in emergency funding to …

May #2 Newsletter: 2019 Impact Report + Additional COVID-19 Funding

We are proud to announce that REDF has partnered with the County of Los Angeles Workforce Development, Aging & Community Service (WDACS) to distribute grant funds to 59 social enterprises and small businesses across the region. Collectively, these grants will avert 311 layoffs and help these small businesses weather the economic hardships caused by COVID-19. …

May #2 Newsletter: 2019 Impact Report + Additional COVID-19 Funding

15 COVID-19 Relief Grants Awarded When the COVID-19 crisis began, we surveyed our partners and had candid conversations to determine how to best support them during this challenging time. In response, REDF awarded 15 COVID-19 Relief Grants to social enterprise partners across the country. These $30,000 general operating grants and technical assistance will provide our …

May #2 Newsletter: 2019 Impact Report + Additional COVID-19 Funding

Today, REDF awarded COVID-19 Relief Grants totaling $450,000 to 15 of our social enterprise partners located across the country. These $30,000 general operating grants will be paired with technical assistance to ensure that our partners receive both immediate financial relief and support to retain employees and sustain their businesses during this uncertain time. The economic …