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COVID-19 Update: A Letter of Support to our Inspirational Leaders

COVID-19 Update: A Letter of Support to our Inspirational Leaders

At REDF, we are thinking of our social enterprise partners and grantees during this challenging time. The current situation is causing economic ripples that are difficult for their businesses and the people they serve. As efforts to halt the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) continue, we recognize the impacts on bottom lines and employees may …

COVID-19 Update: A Letter of Support to our Inspirational Leaders

A Letter of Support to Our Partners At REDF, we are continually inspired by the dedication of our social enterprise partners and the people they serve, now more than ever. During this unprecedented time, we are focused on responding to the needs of the sector, advocating on their behalf, and ensuring we emerge from this …

COVID-19 Update: A Letter of Support to our Inspirational Leaders

Employment social enterprise proponents offered ample fresh ideas about catalytic policies during a Town Hall that I convened with fellow Commissioner Maria Salinas, the CEO of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, to provide formal input to the California Future of Work Commission as it heads toward completion of a report to the Governor to …