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Mission & Culture

REDF invests in businesses that reveal and reinforce the talent of people breaking through barriers to employment.

Our Culture

We approach problems with rigor, and we approach people with humility. After all, this work gets done not on the shoulders of any one individual, but on the aspiration and intention of all of us — including our staff, our partner entrepreneurs around the country, and, most importantly, the amazing people they employ.

Together we exist in service to a movement to redefine what talent looks like and to ensure that people are fully seen for the gifts they bring, not the barriers they face.

Here’s how:

Our Values

Our values comprise a bit of collaborative alchemy that goes something like this:

If you take a team of folks inspired by this mission…

Bring them together with humility and curiosity…

Foster a spirit of ‘your success is my success’…

And study the wins as much as the losses…

Then you build solutions that scale.



Doing this work is a privilege. We’re inspired by our social enterprise partners and the people they serve who are striving for a better life.



We work to foster a culture of inclusion and openness, approaching our jobs with humility and respect. We value and seek to learn from the lived experience of people served by social enterprises.



We work better together and achieve excellence by fostering a culture of collaboration — across REDF teams, social enterprises, and partners.



We believe we can grow and continuously improve, as individuals and as an organization, applying the lessons learned from our successes as well as our failures.



We’re creative problem solvers who look beyond traditional approaches to find more innovative, equitable solutions.

Our Values

When we zoom out, our values comprise a bit of culture math that goes something like this:



If you take a team of folks inspired by this mission

Doing this work is a privilege. We’re inspired by our social enterprise partners and the people they serve who are striving for a better life.



Come together with humility and curiosity
We work to foster a culture of inclusion and openness, approaching our jobs with humility and respect for our colleagues and partners. We value and seek to learn from the lived experience of people served by social enterprises.



Foster a spirit of ‘your success is my success’

We work better together and achieve excellence by fostering a culture of collaboration – across REDF teams, social enterprises, and partners.



And study the wins as much as the losses

We believe we can grow and continuously improve, as individuals and as an organization, applying the lessons learned from our successes as well as our failures.



Then you build solutions that scale.

We’re creative problem solvers who look beyond traditional approaches to find more innovative, equitable solutions.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Building an inclusive economy starts first with being an inclusive employer — an employer who sees and surfaces colleagues’ expertise in an environment where they can grow and have tremendous impact to boot. So in our DEI journey, we work to: 


Deepen our understanding of the inequities that drive the need for REDF to exist


Create the psychological safety for us to deepen our empathy for each other’s lived expertise; and


Use both to deepen our equity lens to interrogate and improve our practices, while using our power to push for change.

Join us

Explore ways to put your skills, hustle, and heart to work.