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The Farber Fellowship: An Introduction

The Farber Fellowship: An Introduction

REDF Farber Fellows spend 10 weeks immersed in the day-to-day operations at one of REDF’s partner social enterprises working on a mission-critical project. Alumni of the program cite the experience as transformative, providing the opportunity to work closely with social enterprise leaders and staff, and form meaningful and enduring relationships with fellow Farbers. Hear from …

The Farber Fellowship: An Introduction

The REDF Accelerator brings together 18 passionate leaders from social enterprises across the country to share best practices, gain tactical advice and problem solve to improve their businesses and long-term employment success for the individuals they serve.

The Farber Fellowship: An Introduction

JaShawn is a woman on a mission, paying her experience forward in a big way. After struggling with substance use and unstable housing for years, Cara, a REDF-supported social enterprise, provided her with the support and coaching she needed to fulfill her potential. Today, with a master’s degree in social work, she is a Youth …

The Farber Fellowship: An Introduction

After spending 15 years in and out of prison, Pablo began working at REDF partner Goodwill Silicon Valley determined to turn his life around. Four promotions later, Pablo is the Re-Entry Programs Manager, providing mentorship and hope to men and women who’ve served their time and are ready to start a new chapter. Pablo’s story …

The Farber Fellowship: An Introduction

In 2016, Anthony Jackson (AJ) received REDF’s Stuart G. Moldaw Award for his tenacity and courage in overcoming significant barriers to employment. Anthony grew up in one of LA’s toughest neighborhoods, in circumstances that typically don’t just derail a young life, but end it. With the support of the Coalition for Responsible Community Development (CRCD)—a …

The Farber Fellowship: An Introduction

Dan Tiffany grew up in a supportive suburban family, graduated from college, and had a wife and beautiful daughter. In some respects, it seemed that he had it all. But as he says, “I let alcohol take priority. I reached the point where I could not get out of bed without a couple of drinks …

The Farber Fellowship: An Introduction

Meet REDF-supported social enterprise Sweet Beginnings who is helping people striving for a better future gain the skills they need to succeed through the cultivation of urban honey.

The Farber Fellowship: An Introduction

Social enterprise is not just about job training. Social enterprise is a welcoming and supportive community. Listen to what Jamel has to say about our partner UTEC.