Policy makes the possible plausible

To create systemic change, REDF and its community of entrepreneurs informs and influences policymakers on the federal, state, and local levels to invest in employment social enterprise as key to building a more inclusive economy. We do so through a national and California-based coalition called Resourcing Employment Social Enterprises Together (or RESET), unlocking the wisdom of our collective (with a national membership at 70+ strong) to expand our reach to folks hit hardest by systemic and structural barriers to employment. 

More Policy Highlights

The bill’s final appropriations package included four REDF priorities: Reentry Employment Opportunities (REO) — The agreement provides $115M for the REO program at the Department of Labor. Of this amount, $30M is set aside for competitive grants to national and regional intermediaries for activities that prepare for employment young adults with criminal legal histories, young …

Nation’s first statewide investment of $25M to scale employment social enterprises

California Regional Initiative for Social Enterprises

The funding was requested by Assemblymember Kevin McCarty (D-Sacramento) and supported by REDF. Learn more about the work to secure this budgetary win in our CA RISE Case Study.

Amends the LA County’s certification, procurement policies and contract preferences to to include social enterprises

Small Business Certification Program

Authors: Supervisors Mark Ridley-Thomas and Chair Hilda Solis. Adopted January 12, 2016

Supports partnerships to prepare people with barriers to enter and complete postsecondary credential attainment programs

California Assembly Bill 1111

Author: Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia. Signed into law October 15, 2017

Extends the Ban the Box law in California to private employers

California Assembly Bill 1008

Author: Assemblymember Kevin McCarty. Signed into law October 14, 2017

Authorizes California Conservations Corps to serve people who have been involved with the justice system

California Assembly Bill 864

Author: Assemblymember David Chiu. Signed into law on September 30, 2018.

Expands use of CalFresh for education and training to contract directly with ESEs

California Assembly Bill 415

Author: Assemblymember David Chiu. Signed into law on September 30, 2018.

Reduces barriers to occupational licensing for people with a prior conviction

California Assembly Bill 2138

Author: Assemblymember David Chiu. Signed into law on September 30, 2018.

Expands contracting preferences to include Social Enterprises and Disabled Veterans Businesses

California Assembly Bill 2762

Author: Assemblymember Wendy Carrillo. Signed into law on September 21, 2018