Suay Sew Shop

Suay Sew Shop is a Los Angeles-based sustainable sewing and production company, founded in 2017. Suay aims to create a culture of community and reuse, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and reverse the historical exploitation of people in the fashion industry workforce.

Suay’s bridge loan with RIIF helped the company to make major upfront purchases in equipment and materials while awaiting receipt of reimbursable grant funds from Cal Recycle. After repayment of that loan, Suay returned to RIIF in 2024; this working capital loan will allow Suay to fully transition its production and retail business lines to a larger location in the LA Arts District, refinance debt to generate savings, and make improvements to online customer processes. With this financing, Suay intends to increase the total number of employees served, and continue its growth plans.


  • 2023 - 2024: RIIF Loan Recipient