Providing mission-directed financial guidance.

Chief Financial and Administrative Officer David Samuels is responsible for leading and managing finance, information technology, human resources, legal compliance, and facilities. David and his teams work to deliver outstanding services to internal and external clients with an approach based on continuous incremental improvement, systems enhancements, and strong collaborative teams.

After earning his CPA while at Arthur Andersen, and his MBA from UC Berkeley, David has accumulated over 25 years of CFO-COO experience in different industries and geographies, including CFAO of Bio-Rad Laboratories French subsidiary in Paris, director of finance at eBay in San Jose, CFO at Backroads in Berkeley, and CFO-COO at Rubicon Programs, Inc. in Richmond, California. David has also acquired considerable experience in the social enterprise sector from his work at Rubicon Programs, where he was involved in managing and growing bakery and landscape service social enterprises, along with social service programs.

In addition to his CFO work, David has an undergraduate background in the sciences, and several years of field research experience with the University of California and the Israeli Institute of Agricultural research. He has also done more than his share of manual labor, driving trucks, tractors, field work, kitchen work, and more. David has traveled extensively, holds dual citizenship in the U.S. and France, and is an avid cyclist, hiker, and gardener.